tmux Quick Start

tmux is a terminal multiplexer that allows you to keep multiple session alive and organize them in multiple windows and/or panes.

# list all tmux session
$ tmux ls
anaconda: 5 windows (created Thu Feb 14 11:18:55 2019) [80x23] (attached)

# attach to existing session
tmux a

Create a new session with name sessionA

tmux new -s sessionA

Here is a summary of some useful commands in tmux



Ctrl + b + d


Ctrl + b + c

Create Window

Ctrl + b + %

Create Vertical Split

Ctrl + b + "

Create Horizontal Split

Ctrl + b + n

Next Window

Ctrl + b + Left

Change focus left

Ctrl + b + Right

Change focus right

Ctrl + b + Up

Change focus up

Ctrl + b + Down

Change focus down